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Create Windows on bootable USB flash drive

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First of all, you can download any Official windows version for free and safely 

How to burn a windows on a bootable USB flash drive and create a Windows installer.

What does Boot mean?

The term Boot referred to as boot up or sometimes start up, booting is the first operation done by your computer, it is the process of powering on a computer and getting into the operating system, generally describe the long list of things that happen from the pressing of the power button to a fully-loaded and ready-to-use session of an operating system, like Windows.

What does Bootable mean?

Computers are typically configured to look for the OS (Operation System) on a CD or DVD or USB first and then the hard disk or SSD.

A bootable disk is used to recover a failed system when the OS on the internal storage drive does not load and it is also used to install a new operating system.

Create windows on bootable drive

In this method, we will rely on Rufus application

And also, we need a USB flash or a CD, and it is better that they are more than 10 GB in order to be able to burn Windows on them.

Now let's move on to practice

After downloading the Windows IOS file

Insert your USB flash.

1) Open Rufus application and select your USB drive.

2) In the Boot selection select Disk or IOS image, then click on Select button.

3) Choose from your computer the windows IOS file you have downloaded.

4) In the Partition scheme choose the disk partition type you want MBR or GPT.

5) leave the rest of the settings as they are, and press start.

What's MBR and GPT partition?

They are two important styles of disk partitioning MBR (Master Boot Record) and GPT (GUID Partition Table).

What is the difference between MBR and GPT partitions?

  • A choice of MBR or GPT depends on the number of partitions one wants to create.
  • MBR has a limitation of only up to 4 primary partitions, whereas GPT allows the creation of up to 128 primary partitions.
  • So, GPT is the most suitable choice if more partitions are to be created.

How to Check if a Disk Uses GPT or MBR?

  • In the Taskbar right click on the windows icon then select Device manager.
  • Now click on Disk management, now locate the disk you want to check and right click on it then select Properties.
  • Click on the Volumes tab, and you will see the Partition style type MBR or GPT

Let's go back to complete the process

6) Skip this window and don't select any options and click ok.

7) You will be asked to confirm that you want to format the USB flash, agree.

Now wait for the process of burning the Windows.

Finally, you have Windows in a bootable flash, click close.

Now how do you format the computer and install the new Windows?

If you encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact us

Copyright: @hani2up

About the Author

I'm From Tunisia, My birthday date is 02/05/2000, Generally i like learning. I'm a beginner in programming and designing. I want to share with you what i tried and learned, so that you may benefit. You can find us by typing: @hani2up

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