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Windows boot without bootable USB drive

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Windows boot without bootable USB drive

In the previous article, we learned how create windows on a bootable USB flash drive

Now this is a different booting method without the need for a bootable USB drive,

and you can boot without changing the boot sequence, also you can boot without access to the BIOS menu.

What does Boot mean?

The term Boot referred to as boot up or sometimes start up, booting is the first operation done by your computer, it is the process of powering on a computer and getting into the operating system, generally describe the long list of things that happen from the pressing of the power button to a fully-loaded and ready-to-use session of an operating system, like Windows.

What does Bootable mean?

Computers are typically configured to look for the OS (Operation System) on a CD or DVD or USB first and then the hard disk drive or SSD.

A bootable disk is used to recover a failed system when the OS on the internal storage drive does not load and it is also used to install a new operating system.

How to boot without bootable USB drive?

In this simple booting method, we need this program named EasyBCD

EasyBCD is a program to configure and tweak the Boot Configuration Data and allowed you to dual-boot.

  • EasyBCD can't fix a PC that won't boot.
  • Repairs all boot errors
  • Fixes startup blue screens
  • Resolves driver issues
  • Cleans up virus infections

For successful method, follow these steps:

After you get the windows version, extract its files.

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Open EasyBCD program and install it.

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Agree to the terms

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Click on Next button.

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Here you can change the program path and click Next.

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Wait for a while to install the program.

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Now the program will open.

1) Click on Add New Entry

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

2) At the bottom, click on WinPE

3) Change the name to the windows you want to install.

4) choose the boot file path

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

5) Enter to the folder where you extracted the windows, then open Sources folder

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

7) Choose boot file or boot.wim file and open it.

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

8) click on the add icon

9) Open Edit Boot Menu

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

10) Select Wait for user selection and click Save settings

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

Now restart your computer

After restarting the computer choose to boot through the Windows you named.

Now you can complete the windows installation

Windows boot without bootable USB drive

If you encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact us

Copyright: @hani2up

About the Author

I'm From Tunisia, My birthday date is 02/05/2000, Generally i like learning. I'm a beginner in programming and designing. I want to share with you what i tried and learned, so that you may benefit. You can find us by typing: @hani2up

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