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Fix internet connection errors

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What's internet connection problems?

Before we proceed, we should explain what is exactly the problem

There are many Internet connection problems, whether on Windows or Android.

These are common Internet problems:

  • Can't connect to this network
  • No internet, secured
  • Connected but no internet access
  • No internet access

This gives you some clues about what the issue is, as we'll see below:

When you see error messages like Connected, no internet access or connected but no internet on your computer, it means that your computer is connected to the router correctly but can't reach the internet. Conversely, if you see Not connected, no internet or No internet connection messages, it means that your computer is not connected to a router at all.

Confirm other devices can't connect either, it's important to determine whether your PC is the only device with no internet connection, grab your phone or another computer that's connected to your Wi-Fi network and see if it's online properly

If your computer won't connect but others will, this is likely due to a misconfigured setting on just your PC, but if you have no internet on every device, the problem lies with your network equipment.

How to fix internet connection error?

We'll show you the steps to follow when you have no internet access.

Here when you tried to connect to the Internet, this message appeared: Can't connect to this network


1) Go to settings then open Network & Internet


2) Scroll down and click on Change adapter options


3) Right click on the network adapter then click on Properties


4) Click on Configure


5&6&7) Go to Drive section and click on Uninstall Device, then confirm the uninstallation.


8) Restart the computer and see the results


Finally, we solved the internet connection error.

If you encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact us

Copyright: @hani2up

About the Author

I'm From Tunisia, My birthday date is 02/05/2000, Generally i like learning. I'm a beginner in programming and designing. I want to share with you what i tried and learned, so that you may benefit. You can find us by typing: @hani2up

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